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Here’s where your homework begins! What you do before and after your appointment is critical for ensuring the best results. Please follow these steps to lay a strong foundation and take proper care for your brow procedure. Note that these restrictions and instructions will apply before your first session, second session, and all touch-ups.


  • You WILL NOT receive a service if you consume blood thinners in less than 48 hours. Blood thinners cause excessive bleeding, which counteracts the process and lengthens the appointment time. Your appointment will be canceled, and you will be charged 50% of the balance.

- Starting 2 days before: NO caffeine, decaf drinks, tea, or alcohol

- 2 days before: NO NSAID pain relievers such as Aleve, ibuprofen, aspirin, or niacin. Tylenol is OK.

- 1 week before: NO fish oil and omega-3 supplements

- 1 week before: Avoid spicy foods, Vitamin E, gingko biloba, grapeseed extract.

  • ​If you're going to get Botox on your face, do it 3 weeks before or 3 weeks after your appointment day. You can also wait until your second session to do it

  • Stop using chemical exfoliators within 2-3 weeks of service.This includes skincare products that contain Glycolic acid, Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs). After your service, you may use these on your face but not on your brows. They can cause them to fade faster. Be sure to check your products for harsh ingredients before using them on your brows.

  • Avoid heavy exercises or sweating on the day of your appointment.

  • Do not use tanning beds 1 week before of your appointment 

  • Avoid waxing or eyebrow tinting at least 3 days before your appointment.

  • Make sure to be off antibiotics for at least 2 weeks before your appointment.

  • Don’t smoke within 3 days of your appointment. Smoking any substance may cause bruising.


Flaking, peeling, and shedding are NORMAL and part of the healing process for many people. DO NOT PICK ANY SCABS. They usually fall off within 14 days.

After shedding, the color will appear too light at first, then slowly return. It takes 6 weeks to see the true healed results. This is NORMAL.

Trust the process!

PS: If you text me in a panic, I’m only going to say the same thing. The ONLY causes for concern would be 1) extreme swelling and 2) extreme fluid build-up, which would require medical attention.

Day 1: After your appointment

You may experience redness and swelling; this will subside within a few hours. You may also have a slight headache. Pain relievers should not affect your brows.​

Your brow pigment will appear darker. This is from pigment oxidation, and it’s normal. No touching your brows!​

Starting 2hours after your appointment, you will wash with water foam and apply ointment every 2 hours until you go to sleep.

  1. Wash hands.

  2. Splash face with water.

  3. Apply soap on gauze (provided in your aftercare kit) and swipe brows three times. No scrubbing!

  4. Rinse off the soap with water.

  5. Pat completely dry with a clean paper towel.

  6. Apply a thin layer of balm provided in your aftercare kit.

DAY 2-3

Cleanse & apply balm 2x/day (morning & night). If brows feel dry & tight, continue to apply balm throughout the day to keep them moisturized.

Day 4 - 14

No more cleansing. Apply balm 3-5 times a day. If skin is oily, only use balm when brows feel dry, tight, and/or itchy.​

  • DO NOT OVERAPPLY the balm, as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The balm should be barely noticeable on the skin, not glossy.

  • Continue applying balm morning and night for 14 days, even if the scabs fall off sooner.


Your brows may scab and then shed. DO NOT pick the scabbing prematurely. This could cause pigment to fade prematurely and/or cause scarring.

Scabs should come off in flakes vs. large sheets. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE ANY SCABS.

Itchiness is normal. DO NOT SCRATCH YOUR BROWS.


After any shedding is complete, the pigment behind may look very faint, as a fresh layer of skin has healed over the tattoo. THIS IS NORMAL. The color will return gradually over 6 weeks.

Day 14: Externally Healed

  • Your brows are now healed externally! If your brows appear very light (which is normal!), you may apply makeup while the color gradually returns.

  • To protect your color, DO NOT chemical peel and/or directly exfoliate brows, but you can continue your normal skincare routine on the rest of your face.

Days 14+

  • Your brow tattoo will take up to 4 weeks after the procedure (28 days) to fully heal underneath the skin. Color will continue to change daily until all healing is complete at the 4-week mark.

  • Your brows may be itchy after the 14 days for up to 2 months as the deeper layer of skin heals. DO NOT SCRATCH YOUR BROWS.

  • You can come in for your second session starting 4-6 weeks after your initial session. We can adjust the shape and color as needed.


For the first 14 days, DO NOT…
  • DO NOT expose your brows to sun. Wear a hat to protect your brows from the sun, as UV rays can alter the pigment. After 14 days, apply a thin layer of sunscreen to protect your color.

  • DO NOT go tanning. UV rays affect your pigment retention and color.

  • DO NOT sweat excessively. The salt in sweat can prematurely fade your brow tattoo. Moderate exercise is fine, as long as your brows aren’t drenched. Avoid saunas and hot tubs.

  • DO NOT use laser therapy on the brows. It can distort the pigment.

  • DO NOT submerge your brows in water. Wash your brows very gently as instructed above, but do not run water directly over them. Use the visors that are provided on the kit to protect your brows while you are in the shower. Do not swim.

  • DO NOT wear makeup or apply Vaseline, heavy creams, or exfoliants on the brows.They may cause an infection or fade the pigment. After healing, do not use AHAs or BHAs directly on the brows.

  • DO NOT rub your brows. Avoid anything that rubs your brows, including massages, facials, and eyelash extension tape. Sleep on your back and try to keep your hair off your brows.

  • DO NOT pick scabs! It’s very tempting to pick at your scabs. Please try to resist this! Doing so may lead to pigment loss and scarring.


Step 1

Wash your hands

Step 2
Clean your face with water
Apply Soap on gauze, Swipe brows 3 times

Step 3 

Rinse off soap

Step 4
completely dry with clean paper towel to prevent infections.

Step 5

With Q-tip apply balm on the brow area.

Lavarse las manos

Limpie su cara con agua
Aplicar jabón en una gaza y
pase la gaza por ceja 3 veces.

Quite el Jabon con agua.

Unicamente utilice Paper Towel para secar sus cejas.

Con un Q-tip aplique el Balm sobre sus cejitas.

Follow the aftercare instructions for the best healing brows.


If you’re medically eligible, understand the process, agree with the policies, and can follow the precare & aftercare steps, click the button to book!

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